Welcome to our new forum!


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No New Posts General Discussion

You can talk about anything here.

Moderator: Angelthewingedcat

2 2 Welcome.:D
by Angelthewingedcat
Jun 2, 2019 20:26:40 GMT
No New Posts Rules

The rules for the RP.

1 1 Rules
by Angelthewingedcat
Jun 2, 2019 20:22:10 GMT
No New Posts News

Here you can place anything like if you may be away some time due to events going on you think the others should know. This is also where news of upcoming events and arcs will be posted at.:)

48 147 Update
by Darkdarling98
Mar 25, 2024 3:35:17 GMT
No New Posts Q and A

Here you can ask questions or see if someone else has asked the same one. We will answer the questions as soon as we can.

49 456 Race names ideas for the Lego characters?
by Underworld Witch
Jan 12, 2024 20:18:29 GMT
No New Posts Characters - 1 Viewing

Place your characters bios here.:)

Sub-boards: Teachers, Students, Other

128 330 Kaveh Den-Aleca
by Underworld Witch
Jul 15, 2023 5:01:52 GMT
No New Posts Plot Pages

Here you can plan out friendships, love interests, rivals, and foes to your characters with other RPers.:)

9 197 Pixargirl’s Plotting
by AlchemyHearts17
Jul 5, 2024 4:38:15 GMT
No New Posts Extra Information

Mainly to explain the classes your teachers will teach in deeper detail, the clubs your student character may run or what spot clubs there is, or adding to the list of side characters you have for everyone else to see.

80 660 NPC Lunaville's Police Force
by Darkdarling98
Mar 26, 2024 3:58:53 GMT
No New Posts Ideas and Suggests

Where you can give out any ideas or suggests you may have for the RP.:)

26 329 Almanac Upgrade
by RuneDrake
Mar 7, 2024 7:30:14 GMT
No New Posts Silly Funny Things

A place for you to have fun with characters or just games with other member non-RP related in general.:)

12 1,260 Things could happen in the RP part 2
by RuneDrake
Mar 7, 2024 8:34:22 GMT

The Arcane Magia Academy

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts School Entrance - 1 Viewing

The entrance to the school. The first room to the school has pictures of the past headmasters, headmistress, and the four founders of the school.

Sub-board: The Garden

3 130 The Aura Demon [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Mar 2, 2022 5:33:33 GMT
No New Posts The Student Dorm Building

The part of the school where the dorms are located. There are two entrances, one inside the school and one out. Each student has at least one room-mate through there may be cases where a student may have two.

Sub-boards: The Main Lobby, The Parking Garage

3 61 Find a secret hideout [Any; troublemaker student]
by RuneDrake
Feb 10, 2020 7:56:19 GMT
No New Posts Locker Hallways - 1 Viewing

Where the lockers are at to find your books, magical items, and other items.

1 35 Preparing [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Sept 16, 2021 23:35:34 GMT
No New Posts Mini Shop

A small shop within the school for students. Here they could find extra copies of text books they may have list, stuff with the school's mascots on it, or basic school supplies. Students are allowed to work here on weekends or after school as part-timer and if they're not failing any classes.

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No New Posts Classes - 1 Viewing

The different classes to the school.

Sub-boards: Communications Room, Tech Room, Alchemy Room, Summoning Room, Potions and Charms, Shape Shifting Room, Future Telling Room, Magical Creatures 101, Defense against the Dark Arts Room, English room, Drama Room, Math Room, History room, Science Room, Astronomy Room, Music Room, Art Room

3 7 First year, First Day! [Tag; Anyone]
by Underworld Witch
Dec 29, 2019 18:52:10 GMT
No New Posts The Auditorium/Theater

Where students go when the teachers have a large announcements. It is also used for school plays or music performs.

Sub-board: Backstage

1 3 The Soldier, Poet and King [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Mar 22, 2022 18:47:59 GMT
No New Posts The Gym - 1 Viewing

Where gym class and some spots club take place at.

Sub-boards: Training Area, Swimming Pool, Race Track, Archery Ground, The Tournament Stadium

3 13 Weapon Journalist [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Sept 16, 2021 5:00:41 GMT
No New Posts Cafeteria

Where students can eat their meals at if they don't want to go into town. The kitchen here is also used for cooking club meeting at times if Akema or John Silver is helping out.

Sub-board: The Canteen

1 79 A Hot Day Calls for Ice Cream! [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Jul 27, 2021 19:54:50 GMT
No New Posts The Ballroom

Where school dances, holidays, or huge events are normally held at.

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No New Posts The Library

A place students can study for classes or find some books to read for fun. Or do personal research if they choice too. It can also be common to find students who are tutoring others here too.

1 19 The New Librarian [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Feb 11, 2020 19:41:26 GMT
No New Posts The Nurse's Office

Here you can come and see Tadashi or Gohin if you are hurt, feel ill, or just need someone to talk to.

1 13 The girl of Shadows [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Feb 10, 2020 7:54:17 GMT
No New Posts The Club Rooms - 2 Viewing

Where the many different clubs can meet up.

Sub-boards: Adventure club, Arcane Host Club, Astronomy Club, Bookclub, Court Case/Criminology, D&D/ Quest of Yore club, Film club, Foreign Language and Culture Club, Gaming club, Literary Journal/Writing club, Magia United, New Paper club/Yearbook staff room, Robotics Club, School Idol club, The Happy Helpers Club, The Shiny Chariot Fan Club

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No New Posts Radio Show Office

Where the radio show is ran at for the school.

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No New Posts The Student Counselor's Offices

Where students can go to if they have any problems they need to talk about to Shiro, Adam, or All Might. Rather, it is trouble at school, feeling home sick, or just stuff they are dealing with in life in general.

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No New Posts The Staff Room - 3 Viewing

Where the staff members can take a small rest whenever they're not teaching classes. There is also a door here that leads to the bedrooms for the teachers. It's pretty common for there to be a small smell of either coffee or tea here too. A cat bed is set in here for Kuro.

Sub-board: The Teachers' Rooms

1 37 Placing Those Bets [Tag: Anyone]
by Underworld Witch
Oct 28, 2019 19:53:25 GMT
No New Posts The Headmaster's Office

The Headmaster's office where students or other staff members can come to talk to Isabelle on anything. Through hope you don't get send here for causing trouble...

1 28 Making a Plan (Tag: Most Teachers)
by RuneDrake
Mar 8, 2022 0:57:10 GMT

The City of Lunaville

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Train Station - 1 Viewing

The locate train station. Most students come through train to reach the town.

Sub-board: Gift shop

7 204 Shadows New to Town [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Jul 4, 2020 3:28:13 GMT
No New Posts The Apartment Buildings Area 1

Where some citizens of the city live at. This apartment building is closer to the school and some teachers have been known to rent out apartments here.

Sub-boards: Roy's Apartment, Harley's Apartment, Rose's Apartment, Qrow's Apartment, The 'The Big Five's Apartment

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sweet Dreams Resort

The hotel for the city owned by Claudiu 'Drac' Dracula and Ericka Van Dracula. Popular with many travelers and visits, family members who live out of town may stay here whenever they come to see loved ones. Due to Mavis being Drac's and Ericka's daughter, some of her friends sometimes come to check out the fun events being held here.

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No New Posts Spells and Charm Shop

A shop which sells many different charms, potions, and spell books. It's common to find the books a student will need for class here, thankfully for a cheap price. It's also popular with traveling magic users. Owned by Tamamo no Mae.

Sub-board: Tamamo's Studio-Apartment

2 60 Magic Intrigue [Tag: Luz Noceda]
by Darkdarling98
Jun 13, 2021 16:28:29 GMT
No New Posts Xavier's Blacksmith Shop

Where one can come to find different weapons and armor. It's very useful for those able to summon any of those things. Of course, Xavier is more than welcome to have people visit if they simply wish to talk as well.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Nook’s Grocery Shop

The city's locate grocery shop. Here many citizens can find different food and daily supplies they may need. Course, Tom Nook also has a habit of selling odd items that changes throughout the week, so it gives some people an excuse to visit more than once a week.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sweet Treats

The city's locate bakery, owned by Kirk and Anastasia. Here, many people can find different bake goods. Rather you're in need for a cake for a special event, donuts for breakfast, or just want a yummy treat, this is one of the places to go too.

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No New Posts Long Yunhe Pawn Shop

The city's locate pawn shop, owned by Shi Luong Lao. Here, people can sell and buy second hand items, rather it is normal everyday items or something magical. Though be warned: Try to sell something you know is truly dangerous, and you will get into serious trouble.

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No New Posts Lunaville's Fire Department

The city's locate fire department.

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No New Posts Izumi's Apothecary

The town's alchemy shop that is run by Izumi and Sig, that is also used for lessons Izumi gave out related to alchemy. The shop's name was Sig's idea.

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No New Posts The Shining Sun Café

A café at is pretty popular with students to hang out and get a bite to eat at while the coffee is enjoyed by most adults in town. It is a good place to get a part time job for students too. Ran by Isabelle's brother, Digby.

2 43 A Doctor's Coffee Break [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Aug 12, 2020 17:06:49 GMT
No New Posts Healer's Potions Pharmacy

Where one goes for any medicines they may need, or to find certain types of healing potions. Ran by Shizune.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Starry Nights Bowling Alley

A bowling alley for people to hang out at. It does have a small room for parties or special events that people can rent out for a few hours. Co owned by Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Gizmos & Gadgets

A small robotics shop. While it isn't the most popular location in the city, it does have some very loyal customers who stop up for pieces and parts they may need. Ran by Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Lunaville Mall - 1 Viewing

Where many different types of stores are at. Some stores do sell magical items in case any traveling magic users would to come across town and for magic users who live there. Along with Shining Sun Café, it is a popular hang out spot for students. Both it and the movie theater inside are owned by Kotaro Tatsumi.

Sub-boards: Beautiful Blossoms , Lisa's Bookstore, Winter Toys, The Food Court, Movie Theater, Dawn Slippers, Grandeur Couture, Of Fantasy Dreams, Magic Paws, Zach's Photography Station, Escape Rooms

5 94 A Budgie and Crow Story [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Nov 26, 2022 22:57:32 GMT
No New Posts The Royal Snake’s Dresses and Gowns

A dress shop at the town that just recently. Having many different types of dresses and gowns that some may have only thought could exist in their dreams, it is owned by Devious Lewis Marco.

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No New Posts The Winter Palace Ice Skating Rink

The city's ice skate rank. Ran by the (Now retired) famous skaters, Yuuri and Victor, people can come here just to have fun, or to take lessons if they wish.

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No New Posts The Black Moon Bar

A bar which is only open to adults. Some teachers come here to hang out at times whenever they aren't at work or helping out students to relax or hang out with friends. Owned by Shizuo Heiwajima.

3 129 Bar Open [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Jun 28, 2021 22:52:55 GMT
No New Posts Dancing All Night Club

A night-time dance club open for adults only. It's popular with some of the teachers, big time on Saturdays and it's nights. Owned by Carina.

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No New Posts The Lunaville City's Bank

The city's bank. While it doesn't appear big on the outside, the inside is huge due to how busy it can get. Ran by Reigen Arataka.

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No New Posts Lightning Note

An instrument shop where one could find any different types of instruments, music notes, and so on. It's pretty popular for teens interested in music or those who have music related powers. Owned by Rom.

1 52 Leopard Music [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Jul 21, 2023 6:36:21 GMT
No New Posts The Apartment Buildings Area 2

Where some citizens of the city live at. There are different floors and sizes base on what a person is looking for.

Sub-boards: Shirayuki's Apartment, Lisa's Apartment, Shizuo's Apartment, Rom's Apartment, Cameron's Apartment

1 30 Neighbors [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Sept 26, 2019 3:26:31 GMT
No New Posts The Police Station

Where one can go to if they need the police's help. There is a room where they can send criminals to jail with magic. Alone with some cells for any trouble makers who have people who can bail them out or where they hold drunker people at for the night.

Sub-boards: Holding Cells, Merlin's Office, Birdy's Office, Roy's Office

1 1 Who Stole the Cookie Jar!? [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Sept 24, 2023 10:04:49 GMT
No New Posts Lunaville's Court House

The city's local courthouse.

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No New Posts The Clock Tower

A huge clock tower in the middle of the town. There is a tour group here daily for visitors, which students can take part of if they wish. There is also a small wishing well near the front of the tower.

1 1 Maiden and Knight [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Oct 18, 2019 5:08:13 GMT
No New Posts Lunaville's Animal and Pokémon Shelter

Here, citizens can come to adopt a new friend in need of a forever home. The town's pet store also helps, having some of the animals and Pokémon there over at their place to see if they can find a forever home. A person can also sign up to foster one of the animals and/or Pokémon, or help as a volunteer if they wish. Owned by James.

Sub-board: James's Apartment

1 89 Welcome Home [Tag: Any Adults]
by Underworld Witch
Sept 14, 2021 16:53:01 GMT
No New Posts City Hall

A place where meeting for all adults can happen whenever they plan town events. Plus where the council of magic members meets up for whenever Cadence, and Bayonetta holding the meetings. Students can come to them and Mayor Pauline if they wish to hold special events in the town.

Sub-board: Lobby

2 13 Newspaper shop [Tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Aug 9, 2023 1:42:35 GMT
No New Posts The Apartment Building Area 3 - 1 Viewing

The third set of apartment buildings were some of the citizens live at. There are different floors and sizes base on what a person is looking for.

Sub-boards: Kaveh's Apartment, Merlin's and Seolbaeg 'Snow's' Apartment, Birdy's Apartment, Bayonetta's Apartment, Violet's Apartment, Cadence's Apartment, Law's Apartment

1 21 Anxieties and Mail [Tag: Anyone]
by Underworld Witch
Nov 6, 2023 4:33:28 GMT
No New Posts Post office

Here you can send letters to loved ones.

1 1 Stoic Maiden [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Sept 22, 2019 19:53:36 GMT
No New Posts The Hospital

Where anyone who gets seriously hurt or ill can go there. The upper levels do have some bedrooms for anyone who may need to start over night for whatever reason.

1 83 The Morgue's Ghost [Tag: Anyone, M Rating]
by Darkdarling98
Nov 22, 2021 5:56:54 GMT
No New Posts Lunaville's Museum of Art and History

Here one can see many different pieces of art and even learn a bit of the history of both the city and other magical places.

1 2 Gallery of the Ancients [tag: Anyone]
by RuneDrake
Jan 6, 2022 8:35:47 GMT
No New Posts Membrane Research Facility

The city's science research. Here, the chibi dinos and Dino himself were 'born' while many tests are run to try to help bring a brighter future. Sometimes partners up with the museum or the school to give special field trips for anyone interested.

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No New Posts The Mystic Sea Dome

The sea aquarium, where one can come to see many sea animals and Pokémon. It has a small gift shop at the end and a food court in the middle for guests as well. Owned by Giuliano Flip.

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No New Posts The Melody's Crown

A karaoke parlor for people to hang out at. It is open for all ages during the day through anyone under 21 much be with an adult after 10:30 pm. Owned by Decim.

1 3 A Small Gathering (Tag: Any Adult Characters)
by RuneDrake
Mar 17, 2020 20:19:37 GMT
No New Posts Level Up Gamer Center

A video game arcade at has many great prizes at are easy to win on games at cost very cheap to play. Rather the prizes be small things like phone charms and candy to bigger prizes like well made stuff animals, figures, and more. Owned by Mr. Litwick.

1 37 Game On!(Tag: Anyone)
by detective88
Aug 6, 2020 23:44:35 GMT
No New Posts Fitness Dojo

A dojo used to help both magic and non-magic users train in battle or just to sharpen their skills alone.

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No New Posts Lunaville's Home for Boys and Girls - 2 Viewing

The town's locate orphanage. Some teachers and students may help out here during their free time. The school also has a program so the children here can go to Arcane Magia Academy if they wish.

Sub-boards: Playground, First floor, Second floor, The third floor

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No New Posts Magica Elementary

The preschool and elementary school for the city. Not as big as Arcane Magia Academy, most of the students for the Elementary school are kids already living in the city. Many of the orphans also go to school here, and teachers from the academy may be willing to help on days they don't have classes.

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No New Posts Lunaville's Park

A huge park near the orphanage. There is a playground for very younger kids to play on along with a few tables were people can either eat their meals at or do school work. Has a few walking paths, some different entrances, and even a small pound.

Sub-board: Outdoor Stage

2 42 Raining Cats [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Aug 30, 2020 6:15:14 GMT
No New Posts Lunaville Shrine

A shrine which has been around since the city was first made. It is a popular spot for visitors like the Clock Tower. Through it is mainly used to give out fortunes and good luck charms now, the ones who own it do allow people to come to pray if they wish to do so.

Sub-board: The Graveyard

1 9 White Tiger [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Oct 7, 2019 2:08:03 GMT

Outside of Lunaville

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Forest - 1 Viewing

A forest near the town. Small wild creatures can be found around here and can normally be a peaceful place to go to during the daylight. It's a good spot for working on spells related to animals, plants, or the ground.

Sub-boards: The Old Mansion, The Mines, The Mountains

4 41 Weird New Pet [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Feb 28, 2022 3:10:00 GMT
No New Posts The Beach

A beach near the end of the town. A great place for swimming, sea shell hunting, or working on water type spells.

Sub-boards: Ocean Treasure's Shop, The Ruins

1 166 Beach Date Interrupted [Tag: Anyone]
by Darkdarling98
Sept 11, 2021 21:20:15 GMT

Other Schools' Sports Fields

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Outdoor Events

Where away games against other schools can take place at for out-doors sports.

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No New Posts Indoor Events

Where away games against other schools can take place out for in-door spots.

Sub-board: Schools' In-door Pools

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Memories of the Past

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Past Events

Here you go RP events at happened in your characters' past, rather if be with characters maybe friends before they arrived to the school, past school years to returning students, or so on.

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Magic Cast

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No New Posts Videos - 1 Viewing

Where you can post videos related to the group, rather it be plot related ones or just silly funny crack videos.:)

2 6 Jinx Animation
by Darkdarling98
Jan 31, 2023 5:16:04 GMT
No New Posts Fanfics

Where you can post fanfics written for the group.

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No New Posts Fanart

Different pieces of fanart you can post for the group.:) Dress-up game pictures are allowed as long as you give credit to the creators and they allow to it be posted anywhere.

6 56 Comic: Missing School
by Underworld Witch
Sept 5, 2022 1:07:57 GMT


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AlchemyHearts17: Awesome! I heard a lot of people are saying there's a lot of good content that should've stayed in the movie. Jan 20, 2024 5:09:17 GMT
Underworld Witch: there is and I do agree with it. Jan 21, 2024 3:37:42 GMT
Darkdarling98: Yeah, I think the most stuff I've seen that people are upset about them leaving out is something about a star boy or something like that? Jan 22, 2024 6:38:37 GMT
Underworld Witch: Yep Feb 2, 2024 5:29:31 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: Oooh yeah Feb 8, 2024 15:50:36 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: I hope everyone is doing good, I'm finally getting back to work on my SOM bios with Chariot du Nord's bio and I think you guys are gonna like what I have Feb 8, 2024 15:51:14 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: Try to think of what happened to celebrities like Jennette McCurdy, Brittney Spears etc and Rara in Friendship is Magic and that's essentially my inspiration for Chariot Feb 8, 2024 15:55:36 GMT
Underworld Witch: Oooh that’s interesting. I’m really excited to see what you’ll have done. Feb 10, 2024 2:05:37 GMT
RuneDrake: Okay, in the almanac already put the first elements beings one can encounter in the mushroom valley and doing half of the rest too. Mar 10, 2024 11:10:48 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: I AM SO SORRY APRIL HAS BEEN A BUSY MONTH FOR ME Apr 21, 2024 6:40:58 GMT
Darkdarling98: Don't worry, Tracy, it's been like that for me too. XD Apr 23, 2024 3:44:05 GMT
Darkdarling98: The year's off to a busy start for all of us, seems like. Apr 23, 2024 3:44:19 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: Yeah, it has been May 1, 2024 21:01:36 GMT
Underworld Witch: its ok it happens to the best of us May 9, 2024 15:33:18 GMT
Darkdarling98: I do wanna say, thanks to everyone for being so patient. We really appreciate it and we're slowly but surely working on the NPCs so hopefully before the year is done, we'll have all the ones we have in the works and any ideas done and up. May 12, 2024 19:28:04 GMT
Underworld Witch: So if you need any help let me know Id love to help. May 25, 2024 4:27:18 GMT
Darkdarling98: Thank you, we really appreciate that! We'll let you know if we need any help! :D Jun 3, 2024 6:02:52 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: Hello ^^ Jul 5, 2024 4:37:04 GMT
Underworld Witch: hey hope your guys weekend is treating you well Jul 7, 2024 2:01:07 GMT
AlchemyHearts17: Compared to the start of the month with annoying hospital staff - a lot better. Jul 7, 2024 2:52:19 GMT
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